How to choose good blog or wordpress theme

How to Choose a Good Blog or WordPress Theme

Many young people want to make their future successful through YouTube or blogging. On the Google-created blogging platform, many new bloggers want to start their work by creating their own blog. When a new blogger creates their blog, they then face a lot of problems in choosing a better blog theme. Starting a blog without a user-friendly theme is not advisable at all.

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In this situation, many new bloggers turn to Google to find an answer to their question. If you are one of them, don’t worry; today, through this post, we will tell you how you can easily choose a user-friendly theme. You will find many websites on the internet that provide free website theme templates for blogging. Such websites offer a theme design demo as a sample, which attracts users to easily download the theme for their blog from there. However, this is not the right approach at all because the right theme is one that has fast loading speed, structured data, and is SEO optimized.

Additionally, when downloading a theme, it’s essential to ensure that you don’t end up with a nulled theme, as this can significantly harm your website. Therefore, it’s crucial to keep these points in mind before downloading any theme. Choosing the right theme is beneficial for your entire blog in every aspect.

How to choose the right theme and what are the correct tips for this?

If you want to purchase a theme for your blog, be sure to follow all the important tips given below.

  1. Select a fast-loading template:

For a good blog website, it’s essential that the theme installed on the website is the fastest. The better the loading speed of the website and all the pages present on it, the easier it will be for users to visit your website, and Google also improves your ranking based on these factors.

The speed of the theme installed on the website should be better for ranking. The faster your website, the better ranking you can get from Google. If you want to check the loading speed of your website and all its pages, there are many free tools available on the internet, such as Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, Pingdom, etc. With the help of these free tools, you can easily check the loading speed of your blog on mobile and desktop. These tools also allow you to easily check other aspects of your website.

Pro tips: Additionally, you can estimate how fast the theme is by looking at its size. For example, if the size of one theme is 1MB and another is only 400KB, it’s clear that the theme with the smaller size will have better speed. And that theme will also prove to be good for users visiting the website.

  1. Choose a perfect SEO optimized theme:

A successful blog website is one that receives a good amount of visitors daily. To achieve this kind of success, you must pay close attention to SEO on your website. When choosing a theme for your blog website, special attention should be paid to SEO Optimization. You can use Google’s free Google Structured Data Testing Tool to find out how SEO has been done on your website and whether it’s correct.

You need to copy and paste your website URL to check your data. After doing so, it presents a structured data test report related to your website. If no errors are shown in this report, understand that your website and its theme are correct. Conversely, if there are any errors in your report, it means your website and its theme can be very harmful to your work.

These errors also appear on the Google Search Console for bloggers. Additionally, you will find many free tools on the internet that help show the SEO score of your website. You can find these types of tools with the help of Google or YouTube.

Pro tips: If you have installed a theme on your blog website and someone else has also installed the same theme on their blog website, you can check its structure and see if the same error exists or not.

  • Additionally, with the money saved, you should definitely start the website by purchasing a premium theme and a custom domain. There are countless benefits of a premium theme, which are as follows:
  • All types of premium themes are designed with good and easy-to-see designs in mind.
  • You can easily get a premium theme customized according to your preference by a developer.
  • All types of premium themes are made to be fast loading and user-friendly.
  • Upon purchasing a premium theme, a blogger gets a well SEO-optimized theme. This makes the blogger’s job almost easier without the need to do much.
  • With a premium theme, bloggers don’t need to do any HTML and CSS coding.
  • Purchasing such a theme means you won’t have to give any external footer credit to anyone.
  • The biggest and main benefit of purchasing a premium theme is that it does not contain any harmful scripts that could damage your website.
  • Disadvantages of using a free theme:
  • On the other hand, if a blogger uses a free theme, they may encounter many harmful scripts that can render the hard work done on the website unsuccessful.

Additionally, the website’s loading speed also sees a significant decrease, which greatly affects the website’s ranking.

Using a free theme on your website exposes it to numerous unwanted risks, which are not beneficial for your website at all.

Only if you have a good understanding of coding can you benefit from this free theme and customize it according to your needs. However, doing all this wastes a lot of time, and nowadays, nobody has that much time to spare.

  1. Choose an AdSense ads ready theme:

If a blogger faces problems placing AdSense ads on the website or doesn’t know how to do it, in this situation, you can use an AdSense ad-ready theme. Such themes already have sections provided for placing ads. The blogger only needs to create an ad from their AdSense account and paste the code here. You can place ads according to your preference and earn a good amount of money.

If you work hard and use your intelligence wisely, you can earn good money through blogging. Additionally, I would like to say that if you want to work in this field, you also need to be patient because you cannot start earning money overnight here. You will need to invest your time and effort and use your wisdom.

You will find plenty of help materials on the internet to succeed in this field, but you will also need to apply your creative mind. If you liked the information we provided, please share it with your friends or fellow bloggers so they can also be helped. If you have any suggestions or thoughts, please let us know in the comment box.

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