Schema Markup: How to boost your SEO by up to 40%

What is Schema Markup? What is the importance of Schema Markup in SEO? Schema SEO guide for beginners, What are the different types of Schema Markup? Complete guide to Schema Structure Data

Technical SEO helps search engines understand your website by providing a clear structure for your data. Schema Markup is a type of technical SEO that helps search engines understand the type of content on your website. There are many different types of Schema Markup, so you need to choose the right one for your website.

Schema Markup: How to boost your SEO by up to 40%

A study has found that websites that use Schema Markup are more likely to rank higher in search results and receive more clicks.

In this article, I will explain what Schema Markup is, how it works, and why it’s important for SEO. I will also provide a step-by-step guide on how to add Schema Markup to your website.

I hope this article will help you understand Schema Markup and improve your website’s SEO.

What is Schema Markup?

Schema is used to provide additional information to search engines. Schema is a type of microdata that can be used to help search engines understand a website more easily. Therefore, it is important to add schema to a website.

In other words, websites have two forms: visual and HTML. The visual form is for humans, which is what we read. The HTML form, on the other hand, is made up entirely of code, which is read by search engine bots.

Due to the code, search engine bots may not be able to understand some important information, which can negatively impact your website’s ranking.

This is why schema is added to websites so that search engines can easily find out the important information about the website.

You can add the same schema to your entire website or add it to a single article. Now you must have understood what Schema Markup is. Let me now tell you the importance of schema in SEO.

How to boost 40% SEO Ranking by Understanding the Impact of Schema

Schema Markup can have a significant impact on SEO. If you understand what schema markup is, you will understand how important it is for SEO.

We perform On Page, Off Page and Technical SEO to rank our websites higher in search engines. This helps our websites perform better in search engines and beat our competitors.

Many people also know schema as rich snippets. You can increase traffic to your website by adding schema to your website. This can improve your website’s ranking and CTR.

Now that you know what schema markup is and how it affects SEO, let me tell you about the different types of schema.


Schema Types

Now that you know what schema is, you should learn about its types. There are many types of schema, but I will only tell you about some of them here.

When you add schema to your website, be sure to add the right type of schema for your website. The types of schema are as follows:

1. Person Schema

Person schema is a type of schema that displays important information about a famous person directly in the search results. This means you don’t have to click on a website to see the information.

For example, if you search for “Donald Trump” on the internet, you will see some important information about Donald Trump without visiting any website. This information might include his full name, date of birth, height, net worth, children, and education.

If you write articles or provide information about famous people, you should definitely add person schema to your website. This can help increase traffic to your website.


2. Product Schema  

Now that you know what schema is, you should also learn about product schema because it is also a part of schema markup.

As you know, people are increasingly relying on online shopping. If you have an online shopping website, you can add product schema to your website.

Adding product schema will display additional information about the product in the search results. For example, if you search for any product on the internet, you will see some additional information about the product without visiting the website.

This makes the website look very attractive, which can lead to increased traffic and increased chances of the product being sold.

3. Review Schema

Review schema is another type of schema markup in Hindi. If you write review-based posts on your website, you can add review schema to your website.

This is because people nowadays read reviews before using or buying anything. This saves them a lot of time and effort, as they can easily decide whether to buy or use something after reading a few reviews.

For example, if someone wants to purchase hosting from Hostinger and searches for “Hostinger review” on the internet, they will see some additional information in the search results without having to click on any website, as you can see in the image above.

In this way, you can easily increase traffic to your review website by adding review schema to your website, which will also improve your website’s ranking.

4. Video Schema

Video schema is also a type of schema markup. If you add videos to your website, you should add video schema to your website.

This will make it easier for search engines to understand the videos on your website and crawl and index them.

Only after this process will search engines start showing the videos on your website in the search results according to the searches made by people.

For example, when someone searches on a search engine for how to make a website, some related videos are also shown in the search results. In this way, you can increase traffic to your website by adding video schema to your website.

5. Article Schema

Now that you know what schema markup is, let me tell you about article schema markup. Article schema is also a type of schema markup.

Article schema can also be called normal schema because there is no extra information in the search results. In the search results, all articles look normal.

For example, if someone searches on a search engine for “what is a pillar post“, they will see all the results in the search results normally. As you can see in the image above.

6. News Schema

News schema is also a type of schema markup in Hindi. News schema helps Google bots to easily include your news articles in Google News.

For example, if someone searches on a search engine for “SEO news”, the person will see a search result with top stories. In these top stories, the search engine shows news from websites that have added news schema to their website.

If you have a news website, you can also add news schema to your website to drive traffic to your website, which can improve your website’s ranking and CTR.

7. Recipe Schema

Now that you know what schema markup is and its different types, let me tell you about recipe schema, which is the next type of schema markup.

If you have a recipe website, you should add recipe schema to your website. This will make your recipe website pages appear as rich snippets in the search results.

When someone searches for “Burger Recipe” on a search engine, they will see some search results. Websites with recipe schema added have some extra information displayed.

Such as- Star Rating, Votes, Time etc. This makes them more attractive and visitors prefer to visit such websites first.


8. Local Business Schema

If you have read about local SEO before and have a good understanding of what schema markup is, then you can easily understand local business schema. It is also a type of schema markup.

If you have a local business, you first need to create a website and purchase a good hosting plan. After that, you need to add your website to online directories. There are many online directories, such as Google My Business, Yahoo, Bing Places, Yelp, etc. Along with this, you should add local business schema to your website.

This will make it easier for search engines to understand your local business. After that, when people in the vicinity of your local business perform online local searches, search engines will provide people with information about your local business.

If you don’t understand, let me give you an example here. For example, if you have a coffee shop, and if people near your local business search on the search engine for “Coffee Shop Near Me”, the search engine will show them nearby coffee shops in the results.

This will include information about your coffee shop, such as the name, address, opening hours, and rating. I hope you now understand local business schema.

9. Software Application Schema

Software application schema is a schema that tells search engines about a software or application. This allows search engines to show people some important information about a software or application without them having to click on any website when they search for it.

If you have a software application website, you can add software application schema. For example, if you search for any software or application on a search engine, you will get some information about it without having to visit any website. As you can see in the image above.

10. Movie Schema

Everyone loves to watch movies, but do you know what movie schema is? Let me tell you. Movie schema is also a type of schema markup.

If you have a movie website, you should definitely add movie schema to your website. This will make it easier for search engines to understand and provide users with accurate and additional information. This can help to increase traffic to your website and boost your website’s ranking on search engines.

Here is an example. If you search for the name of a movie on a search engine, Google will show you information about the movie without you having to click on any website. This information may include the release date, director, budget, production companies, cast, and social media profiles.


How to Add Schema Markup in wordpress Website

In this article, you have learned what schema markup is and its types. But do you know how to add schema markup to a website?

If you don’t know how to add schema to a website, let me tell you. To add schema markup to a website, you can install the Rank Math or Yoast plugin on your WordPress website. With these plugins, you can easily add schema to your website.

Conclusion on what is Schema

As you have learned so far in this article, what is schema markup and what are its types. In addition, I have also told you in this article how to add schema to a website.

But if you do not know whether schema is added to the website or not, you can use the Structured Data Testing Tool. To do this, go to the Structured Data Testing Tool on the search engine and search for the URL of your website there. This will bring up all the details in front of you so that you can know if schema is added to your website or not.

I hope you liked this article. If you find this article helpful, do share it with people in need. If you do not understand anything in this article, you can also comment.


Is it free to add schema to a website?

Yes, it is completely free to add schema to a website because you do not have to make any payment for it.

Is schema markup part of SEO?

Yes, schema markup is a part of SEO. It comes under technical SEO and helps to boost your website’s ranking in search engine result pages (SERPs).

Is it right for new bloggers to add schema to their websites?

Yes, it is a good thing for new bloggers to add schema to their websites. This will help to increase traffic to their websites, which will lead to higher click-through rates (CTRs) and improve their websites’ rankings.

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