Google Search Operators: A Comprehensive Guide

Google search operators are special characters and commands that can be used to refine your search results. They can be used to find specific information, narrow down your results, or even get creative with your searches.

Google search operator by Pavan Agrawal

There are many different types of Google search operators, each with its own unique function. Some of the most common operators include:

site:Searches for results from a specific
filetype:Searches for results of a specific file type.filetype:pdf
intitle:Searches for results that contain a specific word or phrase in the title tag.intitle:google
allintitle:Searches for results that contain all of the words or phrases in a given list.allintitle:google search
inurl:Searches for results that contain a specific word or phrase in the URL.inurl:web stories
allinurl:Searches for results that contain all of the words or phrases in a given list in the URL.allinurl:google search
intext:Searches for results that contain a specific word or phrase in the body of the text.intext:google
allintext:Searches for results that contain all of the words or phrases in a given list in the body of the text.allintext:google search
near:Searches for results that are near a specific word or phrase.near:google search
related:Searches for results that are related to a specific
cache:Views the cached version of a
info:Gets information about a
sitemap:Views the sitemap for a
filetype:Searches for results of a specific file type.filetype:pdf
filetype:Searches for results of a specific file size.filetype:pdf -size:1000000

These are just a few of the many different Google search operators that are available. To learn more about Google search operators, you can visit the Google Search Operators Help Center.

How to Use Google Search Operators

Google search operators are easy to use. Simply add the operator to your search query, followed by the word or phrase that you want to search for. For example, to search Google search operator example to search web story in URL:

Code snippet


How to find specific web story that contains a specific keyword for example chatgpt, you would use the following search query:

Code snippet

inurl:web-stories intitle:chatgpt

To search for results that contain a specific word or phrase in the title tag, you would use the following search query

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