190+ Free AI prompts for digital marketers

This Article provides a comprehensive collection of 190+ ChatGPT or any AI tool prompts across various domains including keyword research, content outline, copywriting, content improvement, technical SEO, creating titles, general SEO, blogging, social media, e-commerce, business-related tasks, and miscellaneous prompts. Each section is designed to guide users in generating specific content, from SEO-optimized keywords and blog post ideas to social media strategies and business communications. These prompts are structured to leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities in generating creative, strategic, and technical content suitable for digital marketing, content creation, and business operations.

ChatGPT Prompts for Keyword Research

Here’s the table for the ChatGPT Prompts for Keyword Research with details on the prompt name, the actual prompt to be used, and the scenarios when each prompt would be most beneficial:

Prompt NameActual PromptWhen to Use
E-commerce Keyword IdentificationIdentify the top keywords related to e-commerce to drive relevant traffic and increase search engine visibility for [Website]. Include data on search volume, competition, and related keywords, ensuring relevance to our target audience and content marketing strategy.When looking to enhance e-commerce site visibility and align content with audience interests.
High-Volume, Low-Difficulty Keyword SuggestionsAs an SEO lead, suggest some high-volume, low-difficulty keywords for [topic of interest].For SEO leads aiming to identify accessible ranking opportunities.
Long-Tail Keyword DiscoveryProvide long-tail, high-volume, low-difficulty keywords for [topic of interest], simulating the approach of a content marketer.When creating detailed, niche-targeted content.
Top Competitors Keyword Strategy AnalysisCreate a table of the top competitors for ‘Topic’ with their URLs, curated by a keyword strategist.For competitive analysis and strategy planning.
SEO Keyword List for Blog PostAs an SEO expert with detailed knowledge of keywords, create a list of 5 SEO keywords related to the blog post section [blog post section].When optimizing specific sections of a blog post for SEO.
Top 10 SEO Keyword Strategies ResearchAs an SEO manager, research and list the top 10 SEO keyword strategies for [topic], organizing the search intentions (commercial, transactional, or informational) in a table format.For developing a comprehensive SEO keyword strategy.
FAQ Compilation for Content StrategyAs a content strategist, compile X frequently asked questions about [topic], relevant for the new [product/service].When creating content that addresses common customer inquiries.
Listicle Content Keywords CreationAs a keyword researcher, create a list of listicle content keywords for [topic].For generating ideas for listicle blogs that engage readers.
Broad Topics and Customer Phrases CompilationAs an online marketing manager, make a list of broad topics relevant to [topic] and expand each with phrases you think your customers use.When identifying customer language and topics for content creation.

This table provides a clear overview of various prompts that can be used to enhance keyword research and content strategy efforts, tailored for different roles within the SEO and content marketing domains.

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Outline

Here’s the table for the ChatGPT Prompts for Content Outline, detailing each prompt, its description, and when to use it:

#Prompt NameActual PromptWhen to Use
1SEO-Optimized Blog Post Outline CreationAs an experienced copywriter, generate a comprehensive, SEO-optimized blog post outline for the keyword [X], targeting an [X] audience with a conversational tone and a desired length of 1500-2000 words.When creating SEO-driven content targeting specific audiences with in-depth analysis.
2Product Comparison Blog OutlineAs a content marketer, create an SEO-optimized blog post outline that compares and contrasts different products or services related to keyword [X], targeting consumers with a neutral tone and a desired length of 1000-1500 words.For writing comparison content that neutrally assesses various products or services.
3Unique Features Blog Post OutlineAs a freelance writer, generate a comprehensive blog post outline showcasing the unique features and benefits of [X], targeting [product] enthusiasts with a persuasive tone and a desired length of 1500-2000 words.When highlighting the unique selling points of a product or service to enthusiasts.
4Step-by-Step Guide Blog OutlineAs a technical writer experienced in SEO, create a detailed blog post outline providing a step-by-step guide for using [X], targeting beginners with a friendly and helpful tone and a desired length of 800-1000 words.For crafting educational content that guides beginners through a process or product usage.
5DIY Tips Blog Post OutlineAct as a content marketing specialist, create a comprehensive blog post outline focused on providing tips and tricks for [X], targeting DIY enthusiasts with a conversational tone and a desired length of 1200-1500 words.When providing actionable advice and how-tos for DIY enthusiasts.
6Main Ideas Listing for Blog PostList the main ideas for a blog post about [subject] and present them in a table.For organizing and structuring the core ideas of a blog post clearly.
7Detailed Guide Blog Post OutlineOutline the critical elements of a detailed guide on [subject] as if you’re an experienced content writer.When drafting an in-depth guide that covers all essential aspects of a subject.
8Catchy Subheadings CreationWrite seven subheadings for the blog article with the title [title]; the titles should be catchy and 60 characters max.For making articles more engaging with creatively titled subsections.
9Two-Level Heading Blog OutlineAs a content marketing specialist, write a thorough outline using a two-level heading structure for a blog article titled [title].When structuring complex topics with clear, hierarchical organization in content.
10Blog Post Engagement AnalysisAnalyze this outline [outline], and remove/add parts if necessary to make the blog post more engaging and informative as a social media content writer.For optimizing content structure to increase reader engagement and information delivery.

This table serves as a guide for utilizing ChatGPT to craft detailed content outlines tailored to various purposes, from SEO optimization and product comparisons to educational guides and engaging blog structures.

ChatGPT Prompts for Copywriting

Here’s the table for the ChatGPT Prompts for Copywriting, detailing each prompt, its description, and when to use it:

#Prompt NameActual PromptWhen to Use
1Video Ad Script for SustainabilityWrite a script for a video advertisement emphasizing the benefits of reducing waste and promoting sustainability using a knowledgeable and appealing tone for eco-conscious customers.For eco-friendly product promotions targeting environmentally conscious consumers.
2Instagram Ad Script for Fashion ProductsDraft a script for an Instagram advertisement that exudes confidence and appeals to fashion-conscious customers, highlighting the latest fashion trends.When promoting fashion products to stylish and fashion-forward audiences on Instagram.
3YouTube Ad Script for Pet ProductsCreate a script for a YouTube video ad with a friendly tone for pet owners, highlighting comfort and better care for furry friends.For advertising pet products that enhance comfort and care for pets on YouTube.
4Email Template for Lead-GenerationWrite a professional and persuasive email template for a lead-generation campaign targeting business customers, emphasizing productivity and efficiency improvements.In B2B communications, targeting professionals to generate leads for productivity-enhancing products.
5Sales Letter for Time Management ProductDraft an approachable sales letter emphasizing the time management benefits of the product for busy customers.When targeting busy individuals needing solutions for better time management.
6SEO-Inspired Short Story for Wellness ProductCraft an inspiring short story highlighting the wellness-focused features of the product, promoting a healthy balance and overall happiness.For storytelling content that emphasizes wellness and health benefits of a product.
7Blog Article Headline for Family-Oriented ProductWrite a friendly headline for a blog article targeting family-oriented customers, emphasizing quality time with loved ones.When creating content for family-oriented products that enhance quality family time.
8Social Media Post for Tech Product SaleDraft a confident social media post for a sale event targeting tech-savvy customers, emphasizing staying ahead of technological trends.For social media promotions targeting tech enthusiasts with product sales.
9CTA for Creative Customers on Landing PageWrite an inspiring call-to-action for a landing page targeting creative customers, highlighting the product’s ability to bring ideas to life.On landing pages to inspire creative individuals with product capabilities.
10Virtual Event Invitation ScriptCraft a trustworthy script for a virtual event invitation targeting security-conscious customers, emphasizing safety and security.For event marketing, targeting individuals concerned with safety and security.
11Facebook Ad Script for Young AdultsDraft a script for a Facebook advertisement with a fun and energetic tone targeting young adults, focusing on simplifying and improving daily life.In social media campaigns targeting young adults with products that simplify life.
12TV Commercial Script for Family ProductWrite a script for a TV commercial appealing to families with young children, highlighting safety and security in product use.In TV ads targeting families, focusing on products that ensure safety for children.
13Influencer Collaboration Script for Fitness ProductCreate a script for an influencer collaboration aimed at fitness-conscious customers, emphasizing workout enhancement and health improvement.For influencer marketing targeting fitness enthusiasts with health-improving products.
14Radio Ad Script for Busy ProfessionalsWrite a script for a radio advertisement targeting busy professionals, focusing on time-saving and convenience.In radio ads targeting professionals needing products that save time and offer convenience.
15Snapchat Ad Script for College StudentsDraft a script for a Snapchat advertisement targeting college students, emphasizing affordable and practical solutions for everyday needs.For social media marketing on Snapchat targeting college students with budget-friendly solutions.

This table provides a comprehensive guide for using ChatGPT to craft engaging and effective copy across various mediums and target audiences, from eco-conscious campaigns to tech product promotions and wellness-focused storytelling.

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Improvement

Here’s the table for the ChatGPT Prompts for Content Improvement, detailing each prompt, its description, and when to use it:

#Prompt NameActual PromptWhen to Use
1Content Relevance and Information ImprovementImprove [text] to ensure the content is relevant and informative for the [target audience].To enhance the relevance and informativeness of content for a specific audience.
2Content Structure Improvement with HeadingsRewrite [text] and use headings and subheadings to break up the content and make it easier to read using the keyword [keyword].For organizing content with headings for better readability and SEO.
3Content Readability EnhancementParaphrase this [text] and use active voice and short sentences to make the content more readable for [target audience] in the context of [keyword].To make content more accessible and engaging through active voice and concise writing.
4Adding CTA to ContentImprove this [text] by adding a call-to-action (CTA) to encourage readers to take a specific action.When aiming to drive specific reader actions through effective CTAs.
5Incorporating Quotes and StatisticsRewrite this [text] by including relevant quotes and statistics to support your arguments and make the content more trustworthy.To bolster content credibility with supporting quotes and statistics.
6Using Anecdotes and StorytellingParaphrase this [text] using anecdotes and storytelling techniques to make the content more engaging and memorable.For making content more engaging and memorable with storytelling.
7Adding Humor to ContentImprove this [text] and consider using humor, if appropriate, to make the content more enjoyable to read.To add a humorous touch to content where appropriate for a lighter read.
8Content ProofreadingImprove this [text] by proofreading to eliminate any typos, grammatical errors, or other mistakes.For cleaning up content by correcting errors and polishing language.
9Content Scannability EnhancementRewrite this [text] by making sure the content is easy to scan using bullet points, numbered lists, and bold or italicized text.To improve content usability and readability with visual structuring.
10Encouraging Reader EngagementRewrite this [text] by encouraging reader engagement by asking questions and inviting comments at the end.To increase content interaction and community engagement.
11SEO Keywords IntegrationRewrite the text above using [keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3] as SEO keywords.For integrating SEO keywords seamlessly into content for better search ranking.
12Rephrasing Content with Playful ToneRephrase the text above in a playful tone of voice, including [keywords] to make it easier for the audience to read.To add a playful and light-hearted tone to content for easier reading.
13SaaS Content Summary CreationGenerate a [X] words summary of the following content, including the keyword [X] where possible.When summarizing content succinctly with focus on key points and SEO.
14Content Tone and Style AlignmentParaphrase this blog section [blog section] to align with the tone, language, and style of this blog section [blog section].For aligning sections of content in tone, language, and style for consistency.
15Making Video Descriptions Fun and EngagingImprove this YouTube video description to make it fun and engaging; use wordplay and puns to make it more relatable.To create engaging and humorous video descriptions that attract viewers.

This table serves as a comprehensive guide for utilizing ChatGPT to refine and enhance content across various formats and purposes, from improving readability and engagement to aligning content with SEO strategies and audience preferences.

ChatGPT Prompts for Technical SEO

Here’s the table for the ChatGPT Prompts for Technical SEO, detailing each prompt, its description, and when to use it:

#Prompt NameActual PromptWhen to Use
1FAQs Page Schema Markup CreationCreate the FAQs Page Schema markup for the following questions and answers:…When setting up an FAQ section on your site to enhance SEO with structured data.
2Hreflang Tags GenerationGenerate the hreflang tags to feature in pages targeted to the [country] in [language], [country] in [language], and [country] in [language]…For optimizing international SEO by directing users to the version of your site in their language or region.
3.htaccess Rewrite Rules CreationCreate the .htaccess rewrite rules to 301-redirect [source location] to [location destination] …When needing to permanently redirect traffic from one URL to another to maintain SEO value.
4Robots.txt Rules GenerationGenerate robots.txt rules to block the crawl [location to block] but allow the crawling of [location to crawl] within the domain…For controlling search engine crawlers’ access to certain areas of your site to improve SEO efficiency.
5XML Sitemap CreationCreate a valid XML sitemap containing the following URLs: [URLs]When creating a sitemap to ensure search engines can more intelligently crawl and index your website.
6No-follow and Canonical Tags CreationCreate a no-follow and canonical for [URL].For indicating to search engines which URLs should not be followed or considered as the main content page.
7Technical SEO Analysis and ImprovementsAct as an SEO specialist, analyze [website URL], and make improvement suggestions regarding technical SEO with the ways to make those improvements listed in a table.To get a comprehensive analysis and actionable recommendations for improving your site’s technical SEO.

This table serves as a comprehensive technical SEO needs, from enhancing structured data with schema markups to optimizing site architecture and content accessibility for search engines.

ChatGPT Prompts for Creating Titles

Here’s the expanded table for ChatGPT Prompts for Creating Titles, including the original prompts and adding new ones to cover a wider range of content creation needs:

#Prompt NameActual PromptWhen to Use
1Distinct Title Tags CreationCreate [X] distinct title tags with a maximum of 60 characters for the text below. They must be descriptive and contain the word ‘keyword’:….When you need multiple title options that are SEO-friendly and contain specific keywords.
2Fancy Title GeneratorAct as a fancy title generator. Type keywords via comma, and reply with fancy titles. First keywords are API, test, and automation.For generating creative and unique titles based on a set of keywords.
3Catchy Blog Post TitlesProvide catchy blog post titles relating to the list of SEO keywords below:…When looking for blog post titles that are optimized for SEO and audience engagement.
4Enhancing Blog Article TitleMake the blog article’s title, [title], more appealing.To improve an existing title to make it more attractive and clickable.
5Samples of Blog Post Titles for Higher CTRWrite three samples of different blog post titles with higher click-through rates for the given topic.For creating a variety of engaging titles that are likely to increase click-through rates.
6Email Subject Line CreationGenerate captivating email subject lines that will encourage opens and engagement for [campaign theme].When crafting email marketing campaigns to maximize open rates.
7Product Name InnovationInvent creative product names that capture the essence and benefits of [product description].For branding new products with memorable and descriptive names.
8Webinar Title Engagement BoostCreate engaging webinar titles that promise value and intrigue for [webinar topic].When promoting webinars to attract registrations and participation.

This expanded list provides a versatile set of prompts for creating compelling titles across various content formats, from blog posts and emails to products and webinars, aimed at boosting engagement, readability, and SEO effectiveness.

ChatGPT Prompts for General SEO

Here’s the table for ChatGPT Prompts for General SEO, including new prompts and detailing each prompt’s description and when to use it:

#Prompt NameActual PromptWhen to Use
1Developing SEO StrategyAct as an SEO expert and help develop an SEO strategy for my company.When planning to enhance your company’s online visibility and search engine ranking.
2Creating an Effective SEO GuideAssist in understanding how to create an effective SEO guide as an SEO expert.For learning the steps and best practices in crafting an SEO guide.
3Engaging Instagram Campaign CreationCreate content for various platforms to increase brand awareness and promote a new line of athleisure clothing as a social media influencer.When aiming to engage and grow your audience on social media platforms with promotional content.
4Social Media Management for Brand AwarenessDevelop and execute campaigns to manage the presence of an organization on Twitter for increased brand awareness as a social media manager.To effectively manage and grow a brand’s social media presence through strategic content and engagement.
5Email Paraphrasing for SEOParaphrase the following email, maintaining a fun yet professional tone, with attention to grammar rules as an SEO specialist.For rewriting emails to be more engaging and SEO-friendly, without losing professionalism.
6Recommendation of Popular BlogsRecommend X popular blogs about [niche] covering [topic] and list their URLs in a table.When looking for authoritative and informative blogs within a specific niche for research or learning.
7Webinar Script Creation for Tech-Savvy AudienceServe as a copywriter to create a script for a webinar, appealing to tech-savvy individuals with a focus on the benefits of the latest technology.For creating educational and engaging webinar content that highlights technological advancements.
8Hashtag Campaign CraftingCraft a hashtag campaign for a product, targeting customers looking for value, as a copywriter.To design a social media campaign that utilizes hashtags for greater product visibility and engagement.
9Catchy Meta Description WritingWrite a catchy meta description for a blog post using the keyword [X], ensuring it is [X] characters max as a content marketer.When optimizing blog posts for search engines with a concise and attractive meta description.
10SEO Strategy Development for WebsiteDevelop a strategy to improve the search engine ranking of [URL] for the keywords: ‘[keyword 1]’, ‘[keyword 2]’, and ‘[keyword 3]’ as an SEO expert.To improve a website’s search engine rankings through targeted SEO strategies.

This table provides a comprehensive guide for utilizing ChatGPT in various SEO-related tasks, from developing strategies and creating content to managing social media campaigns and enhancing technical SEO aspects.

Blogging ChatGPT Prompts

Here’s the table for Blogging ChatGPT Prompts, detailing each prompt, its description, and when to use it:

#Prompt NameActual PromptWhen to Use
1Month-long Content Calendar“Make me a month-long calendar for the following keywords [Enter Keywords here]. Add [number of articles] articles each week, and use persuasive SEO-friendly titles for each article.”For planning content in advance with a focus on SEO and audience engagement.
2Blog Post Ideas Generation“Create a list of at least 10 blog post ideas on the following topics: [Enter topics separated by commas]. Suggest SEO-Friendly title for each post, and use an emotional and persuasive tone in post titles.”When brainstorming new ideas for blog posts that are SEO optimized and emotionally engaging.
3SEO Title and Meta Description“Suggest at least 5 SEO-friendly titles and meta descriptions for the following blog post [Enter your blog post text here]. Use a persuasive and intriguing tone.”To create SEO-friendly titles and meta descriptions that attract clicks and drive traffic.
4Blog Post Tags Suggestion“Suggest at least 5 tags for the following blog post [Enter your blog post text here].”For enhancing blog post SEO with relevant tags.
5Related Long-tail Keywords Generation“Generate a list of long-tail keywords that are related to the following blog post [Enter blog post text here].”To identify additional keywords for SEO optimization and content expansion.
6Article Outline Creation“Write an article outline for the following topic [Enter topic or blog post title here].”When structuring an article to ensure it covers all relevant points in an organized manner.
7Article Writing on Specific Topic“Write an article on the following topic [Enter topic here]. The article should be at least [number of words] words in length. Use a persuasive tone and pretend to be an expert on the topic.”For writing in-depth articles on specific topics with authoritative and persuasive content.
8Outranking a Competitor Article“Write an article based on the topics covered in the following article [Enter competitor URL here]. Make the article more comprehensive than the URL provided by adding details that the source URL has missed or didn’t cover. Answer the most commonly asked questions about the topic at the end of the article.”To outperform competitors’ content by creating more comprehensive and informative articles.
9Motivational Blog Post Writing“Write a motivational blog post about overcoming [fear/failure/challenge goes here].”For inspiring readers through personal growth and overcoming challenges.
10Call-to-Action Ideas Generation“Come up with 5 effective call-to-action button ideas based on the contents of the following URL [Your website or landing page URL goes here].”To engage readers and encourage them to take specific actions after reading your content.
11Pros and Cons Outline for Topic“Write down an essay on the pros and cons of [Your topic goes here].”For providing a balanced view on a subject to help readers make informed decisions.
12Interview Blog Post Questions“Write interview questions for a blog post with [Guest Name] who is an expert in [Guest profession or area of expertise].”For creating engaging and insightful interview content with industry experts.
13Text Proofreading and SEO Optimization“Act as SEO editor and copywriter. I need you to proofread and analyze the following text and optimize it for the focus keyword. I also need you to correct any grammar mistakes you find in the article.”To ensure content is not only grammatically correct but also optimized for search engines.
14Social Media Content from Blog Post“Act as a topic authority and social media influencer. I will provide you with the text or URL of an article. You need to summarize it and create content for social media platforms.”For repurposing blog content into engaging social media posts to reach a wider audience.
15List of Tools for Blog Post“Create a list of the most popular tools used by the [Field of Interest] professionals with the pros and cons of each tool.”To inform readers about useful tools in their field of interest, enhancing the utility of your content.

This table provides a comprehensive guide for utilizing ChatGPT in various blogging tasks, from content planning and idea generation to SEO optimization, content repurposing, and audience engagement.

Social Media ChatGPT Prompts

Given the extensive list of prompts related to social media content creation, SEO, and audience engagement across various platforms, here’s a structured approach to address each prompt:

#Prompt NameActual PromptWhen to Use
21Instagram Captions Creation“Write an Instagram post description or caption using a few sentences for the post about ‘[Enter a description of what your Instagram post is about]’. Start the caption with an intriguing sentence and don’t make the first sentence a question. Use emojis in each sentence and add a paragraph after two sentences to make it more readable. Add the most popular hashtags related to the post.”To craft engaging and visually appealing captions for Instagram posts, reels, and videos.
22Instagram Post for Product/Service“Write an Instagram post promoting [product/services] using a few sentences. Start the post with a captivating sentence and end with a sentence including a call to action to check the link in bio. Use emojis and add the related hashtags at the bottom.”For promoting products or services on Instagram with a call to action that encourages followers to learn more or purchase.
23Instagram Carousel Ideas“Write me an Instagram carousel topic idea example. Also, write slide by slide with titles. Explain each slide with the exact content example I should use, not instructions. Also, give me images for every slide that explain all the titles for [Your Instagram Carousel Topic Here]. Do not include content instructions, instead, only write me an actionable text that I can just copy and paste. Include emojis and the best Instagram hashtags for that post.”To create captivating carousel posts on Instagram that tell a story or convey information in an engaging, multi-slide format.
24Writing a Twitter Bio“I want you to write an interesting Twitter bio for a [Your brand niche and industry / Profession].”To succinctly convey your brand’s essence, mission, or personality in your Twitter bio.
25Twitter Header Image Ideas“Give me at least 5 ideas to create a Twitter header image for a [Profession/Industry niche].”For designing a Twitter header that reflects your brand’s identity or professional focus.
26Generating Tweets“I want you to act as a social media manager and come up with at least 20 Tweets for a [Profession/ Business niche or industry] include popular hashtags in each tweet.”To maintain an active and engaging Twitter presence tailored to your brand or industry’s audience.
27Viral Twitter Thread Idea“I am looking for a Twitter thread idea that will go viral and showcase [mention your service, product, or blog] to the ideal customer persona in a creative and engaging way. Include hashtags and emojis in each tweet.”For creating Twitter threads that are likely to capture attention, spark conversation, and spread widely.
28Twitter Content Strategy“Generate a Twitter content calendar for the next two weeks. Generate at least three tweets for each day targeting relevant customer persona. Include hashtags and emojis in each tweet.”To plan and execute a consistent and strategic Twitter posting schedule that engages your target audience.
29YouTube Video Description Writing“Write a unique and intriguing description for a YouTube video titled [Enter your video title here]. Pretend you are an expert on the niche and give your personal best advice in 1st person. Explain why you thought sharing this video would be useful and what users will get out of watching this video.”For crafting YouTube video descriptions that inform viewers and encourage them to watch.
30YouTube Video Script Writing“Create an attractive and captivating YouTube video script that is informative. I want you to create a persuasive headline, write a video description repeating keywords used in the headline, cite relevant keywords and tags, create the YouTube video script and suggest ideas for a persuasive thumbnail to use for the video, from the following description: [Your video description].”To develop comprehensive and engaging scripts for YouTube videos that capture and retain viewer interest.
31YouTube Thumbnail Ideas“Give me at least 3 ideas for creating an interesting and persuasive thumbnail for a YouTube video using the following description: [Enter your video description].”For creating visually appealing thumbnails that encourage clicks and views on YouTube.

This comprehensive list provides detailed prompts for creating engaging social media content across various platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook, aimed at enhancing brand visibility, audience engagement, and content strategy execution.

E-Commerce ChatGPT Prompts

Given the request for E-Commerce ChatGPT Prompts, here’s a structured approach for creating compelling e-commerce content and strategies:

#Prompt NameActual PromptWhen to Use
38eCommerce Product Description Writing“Pretend you are an eCommerce SEO expert writing compelling product descriptions. I will provide you with one product title, and you need to come up with three distinct content sections for the product description, each section having its own headline.”To craft detailed and engaging product descriptions that improve SEO and conversion rates.
39eCommerce Product Short Description“As an eCommerce SEO expert, create a short product description of between 250-300 characters for the provided product title.”For generating concise, compelling product descriptions that capture the essence of products quickly.
40Generating eCommerce Product Ideas“Pretend to be a product specialist for an eCommerce store specializing in finding and sourcing products to sell online. My store sells [define your store industry and product types], and I need you to come up with a list of [number of product ideas] product ideas that I can sell on my online store.”To identify new and trending products to add to your e-commerce store’s inventory.
41SEO Optimized Landing Page Copy“As a copywriter specializing in SEO, write the landing page copy for [Your product name]. Start with an intriguing headline to captivate the target audience followed by a call to action button. Then add three content sections with different headings, each targeting a specific keyword for the product. End the copy with a FAQ section answering at least 5 customer questions about the product.”For creating landing pages that not only rank well in search engines but also convert visitors into buyers.
42Sorting Products into Categories“Sort the products into product categories. Use hierarchal categories and create child categories as needed. Products can be placed into multiple categories. Show which products are placed under each category. Write a catchy short description for each category. Use this product list [enter your product list].”To organize your e-commerce store’s inventory into intuitive and SEO-friendly categories.
43Creating an Ad Strategy for eCommerce“Act as an advertiser creating a campaign to promote a product or service. Choose a target audience, develop key messages and slogans, select the media channels for promotion, and decide on any additional activities needed to reach your goals. The product you will be promoting is: [Enter your product title and description here].”To develop a comprehensive advertising strategy that targets the right audience and maximizes ROI.

These prompts are designed to assist in various aspects of e-commerce content creation, from writing detailed product descriptions and SEO-optimized landing pages to strategizing product categories and advertising campaigns, ensuring your e-commerce efforts are both effective and engaging.

ChatGPT Prompts for Businesses

Here’s a structured approach for creating ChatGPT Prompts for Business-related tasks:

#Prompt NameActual PromptWhen to Use
44Polishing Email Text“Fix this email to write it in a human voice in perfect English, as someone with a charismatic personality, that is extremely professional and concise with their language. Also, give at least three samples to use as the email subject. [Enter your email text here].”To enhance the professionalism and effectiveness of business emails while maintaining a personable tone.
45Writing a Job Posting Ad“Act as a recruitment manager specializing in finding talented professionals for a job. I need you to write a job posting for [job title] we are offering the following benefits [mention benefits here] and we are looking for [job requirements such as experience and skills].”For creating compelling job postings that attract the right talent by clearly communicating the role and its benefits.
46Generating a Business Model Canvas“Help me create a business model canvas for a [explain what your business is about] company. Organize your answers in a table that reproduces the original format used in consulting. Write detailed answers focused on adding value and acting as an expert consultant in digital marketing.”To develop a structured overview of a business’s strategy, operations, and potential areas for growth or improvement.
47Generating Logo Design Ideas“Act as a graphic designer specializing in brand identity development. Come up with detailed ideas for unique and interesting logos for a business. Present at least 3 ideas, mentioning what is unique about each and how it differs from the others. The business name is [Enter your company name] and it offers [mention products/services].”For brainstorming creative and distinctive logo designs that effectively represent a brand’s identity.
48Generating Domain Name Ideas“Help me find domain name ideas for a business. My company name is [enter business name] and it offers [products/services/industry]. Only give .com domain name ideas. The domain name should not be more than 8 characters long.”To identify concise, memorable, and relevant .com domain names that align with a business’s brand and offerings.
49Writing an Email to Terminate an Employee“Write an email to an employee informing them that they are being fired for the following reason [mention the reason for firing]. Make the email text sound professional and polite. Use a sympathetic and kind tone and thank the employee for their work.”For handling the delicate task of terminating an employee with professionalism, empathy, and respect.
50Writing a Job Offer Email“Write a job offer email using the following parameters: 1. Candidate name 2. Job position 3. Company name 4. Salary offered. Ask me to input these parameters one by one before writing the email.”To formally extend a job offer to a candidate in a clear, concise, and engaging manner.

These prompts are designed to assist in various business communication and strategy tasks, from enhancing email communications and creating job postings to developing branding elements like logos and domain names, ensuring professionalism and creativity in business operations.

Miscellaneous ChatGPT Prompts

Here’s a structured approach for Miscellaneous ChatGPT Prompts covering professional and personal assistance tasks:

#Prompt NameActual PromptWhen to Use
51Cover Letter Generation“Write me a professional cover letter for a job application using the following parameters: 1. Job Title 2. Years of Experience 3. Skills to mention. Ask me to input each parameter one by one before writing the cover letter.”To create customized and professional cover letters for job applications, highlighting relevant experience and skills.
52Daily Planner“Help me plan my day from 9 am to 5 pm. Ask me to input the task I will be performing and then ask me for the start time and end time for that particular task. Repeat until the end time of a task is 5 pm. Create a table and add one row for each task with start time, end time, and task detail as columns.”For organizing and scheduling daily tasks efficiently, ensuring productive time management.
53Text or Article Summary“Act as a proficient researcher and summarize the text or article I provide, extracting all relevant information. Present the summary in bullet points and a one-liner summary, adding a matching emoji for each bullet point. Ask me to input text or provide you a URL.”To quickly grasp the key points and overall gist of a text or article, useful for research or content review.
54List of Popular Websites on a Topic“Act as a topic expert and provide me with a list of at least 10 most influential websites on the specified topic. Present the websites in a table with serial number, website name, website URL, one-liner website summary as columns. Ask me to provide you with a topic.”To discover authoritative and influential websites for research, learning, or entertainment within a specific topic area.

These prompts are designed to assist users in various tasks, from job application preparation and daily planning to research and exploration of online resources, leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities for personalized and efficient outputs.

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